Fujifilm GFX Workshop

What: FUJIFILM GFX Medium Format Mirrorless workshop GFX expert Michael Bulbenko will show us in-studio free-shooting and tethering with models and still life, lighting and flash options, tilt-shift & leaf shutter lens adapters and much more. Also featuring output capabilities…


Fujifilm GFX Workshop

What: FUJIFILM GFX Medium Format Mirrorless workshop GFX expert Michael Bulbenko will show us in-studio free-shooting and tethering with models and still life, lighting and flash options, tilt-shift & leaf shutter lens adapters and much more. Also featuring output capabilities…


Fujifilm Open House

Open House Q&A for any Fujifilm product Friday, December 8 from 9am - 1pm GFX expert Michael Bulbenko and Fujifilm Field Sales Training Manager Stacey Moore will be in store answering all your Fujifilm Questions. Stop by and see how…
